Sunday, July 22, 2007


Gone the day, with my arms full.

Soft, warm, cherry lips.

Peering over handmade blankets.

With apple cheeks and slate eyes.

Drifting lavender and powder.

Gone the morning, not quite awake.

Her back against my breast.

Shallow breath, white t-shirt.

Her crown snug under my chin.

Golden rays begin to break in.

Gone the afternoon, gazing down.

Watching contented, giving life.

Perfect rocking in time to every breath.

Tiny feet lost in my palm.

Minutes that last forever.

Gone the nights, pained.

Reaching in her barred trundle.

Dancing with her this midnight dance.

Desperate to ebb the strike on my ears.

Attempting to barter with patting and bouncing.

Here is the moment, radiant.

Healthy, biting in to life.

A delicious ripe melon, juicy and sweet.

Sweeping electricity and water.

The best has just begun.

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Darlene said...

Pure talent and are you sure your "just" a mom. Poo anyone who cant take a joke. You can game and your a poet and still be home to cook at 5 o clock LOL!


Caroline said...

Yes it's me Suuuuppeerrrrrr Mmmmmooommmm. lol

Tara W. said...

This is really great!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.

Growing Up Without Schooling