Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Treecko and Pebbles

Before we decided to bring more animals into our home I asked the girls if they were sure that they wanted to care for them. I asked them several times if they understood the work that owning lizards involved. They assured me that they did know and were happy to do anything it would take in order to own a lizard. But, I know not to buy pet for children unless I am willing to be the one who is ultimately responsible. A few months ago we came across someone on craigslist (a web site that is something like a local ebay) that wanted to get rid of his baby geckos. So we jumped on it. And so far the kids have been great maintaining their "babies". The geckos require daily care and the girls have shown that they love to take do all of these chores. Today happened to be they day that their cage needed to be cleaned. They were actually excited, and I dare say thrilled to do this. Here are some photos of the process. I think that we may have a male and female by the way, just in case anyone might feel the need to own one in the future.

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It was fun see Treecko and Pebbles (the names of the geckos) wondering around their newly cleaned home.

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Darlene said...

I am not a gecko but I would sure love it if Sydney and Jordan would be thrilled to clean my home. LOL
They sure have taken ownership of their "babies",
i could see how they could both start with the great makings of momma's if they choose.


Tara W. said...

LMAO @ Darlenes comment!! When they are done at her house, send 'em over here!

BTW, I talked to Justina nd he said he wouldn't mind gecko-sitting while you guys are out of town. Just email me the dates again so I can take note of it.

Growing Up Without Schooling